Summer Camp at HCA
Join us for exciting adventures this summer!
Summer Camp FAQs
What are the dates and hours for summer camp?
HCA’s Summer Camp program will operate from June 3rd through July 26th. Campers may be dropped off at 7:30 am. Campers should be picked up prior to 5:30 pm. A late fee of $1 per minute will be assessed for campers picked up after camp closes.
What will my camper need to bring?
Campers will need to bring a morning snack and cold lunch daily. Campers will also need a water bottle. An afternoon snack will be provided. Students may have items to bring throughout the summer for field trips (ie. bathing suit for swim days).
What does the schedule look like?
Campers will experience a full day of activities based on a weekly theme. The daily schedule will include periods of outdoor play, organized games, daily devotions, arts and crafts, and academic enrichment, and WEEKLY FIELD TRIPS! All campers will also have lunch and snack periods. Our young campers will also have a rest period daily.
What is the cost? When are payments due?
A non-refundable registration fee is due for each camper registering when the camp application is submitted in order to reserve your spot. This will be applied to your camp balance.
Weekly camp tuition is $195. There is a discount for families enrolling more than one camper in our program (see pricing chart below).
Camp payments are due on Friday of the week prior. Campers attending all 8 weeks of camp and paying in full by May 17th will have their registration fee waived!
Summer Camp Registration
To request an account for summer camp registration, please click here.
Summer Camp Rates
1st Child
2nd Child
3rd Child
4th Child
Registration Fee
Full Day